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  1. J

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    I have the pcb for the Pharmacist and am also anxiously awaiting the build docs. I’m excited to build this one!
  2. J

    Unison Double Tracker For Vocals?

    Thanks for getting back so fast. I was planning to build one exclusively for vocals, but it’s nice to know that it can perform vocal duty in a pinch. As you pointed out, the world can get by with just one track of my voice.
  3. J

    Unison Double Tracker For Vocals?

    Has anyone used the Unison Double Tracker for vocals?
  4. J

    Conqueror Supreme: Substitution of Fasel for 42TM013

    I finished switching out the transformer for a Fasel inductor today and to my ears there is more definition to the MRB Frequency selections. If it’s just psychological, I’m okay with that. I LOVE this pedal.
  5. J

    Conqueror Supreme: Substitution of Fasel for 42TM013

    Can a Fasel inductor be substituted for the L1, 42TM013 transformer, and how would the Fasel be installed? Has anyone made this substitution and is there a tonal difference?
  6. J

    Conqueror Supreme Transformer Substitution?

    Does anyone know if a 500 mh Fasel inductor can be substituted for the L1 42TM013 transformer and will it make a significant tonal difference or improvement that is worth the cost difference?