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  1. J

    12V Parenthesis? Regulated power?

    I noticed that The lowest rated chip in the parenthesis is the 15V LM308. Has anyone tried running this thing at 12V? Or swapping the lm308 for something with a higher max voltage? I assume it would be like running a rat at higher voltage. What about adding a regulated power source to vcc...
  2. J

    [Parenthesis Fuzz] sources for LM308s, PF5102, etc.!

    During the quarantine small bear has been MIA
  3. J

    [Parenthesis Fuzz] sources for LM308s, PF5102, etc.!

    I have seen a few threads asking where people get parts for the Parenthesis Fuzz. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here is my experience. Right now you can get legit LM308s on amazon as a part of a larger op-amp kit. These appear to be legit by checking for NC on pin 5...