Search results

  1. masonlewisdiesel

    Lemonade Overdrive

    Spi, Thank you so much! I did just as you suggested and gave it to him.. so far looks like you nailed it! Thank you! and thank you for the answer on the caps!
  2. masonlewisdiesel

    Lemonade Overdrive

    Put this together for a buddy, everything seemed to be okay until I was at his place and heard some power related noise when it was in the chain. Wasnt to bad but I decided to take it and take a look at it in case something needed to be addressed. First thing I noticed, this pcb says the...
  3. masonlewisdiesel

    Amazon "Electronic component assortment"

    Thanks for getting back to me, Yeah they sound pretty good actually! kinda surprising.
  4. masonlewisdiesel

    Amazon "Electronic component assortment"

    A year or so back I acquired one of those general electronics packages off of amazon (resistors, caps,etc). On the list of whats inside it notes a bunch of trannys, at the bottom it says Germanium PNP x2. I was sorting through the lot of 100 Russian transistors that just came in the mail and...
  5. masonlewisdiesel

    question for Sandspur led

    Thanks for the reply I will start doing as you suggested. I do have switched continuity K to GRD on the breakout(which I am not using) but I do not have continuity K to GRD on the main pcb(Which does have the led). I'll get back to you after some more tests. thanks again!
  6. masonlewisdiesel

    question for Sandspur led

    Hey, My second build. still confused on the LED issue i'm having. I want to use the main pcb pads for my indicator. the daughter board LED pads are not jumped, led installed @ main board. effect works great. No led. I did the following: tested led-good, jumped daughter board led pads-nothing...
  7. masonlewisdiesel

    Tayda Fuzz Face PCB

    Copy that, I'll revise for a rev log on my order. Thanks Monk
  8. masonlewisdiesel

    Tayda Fuzz Face PCB

    Bought one of these out of impuse and I am now throwing it together. I bought a lot of MP42B, and MP16 transistors from Sovcom(alexer1) on ebay, most of which are 40-60 HFE on the TC-1 tester, a couple between 75-110. While it may not be ideal has anyone messed with using the lower values for FF...
  9. masonlewisdiesel

    PCB594 + PCB378 help

    Hey, Working on a couple builds right now, this one being my second so i'm still a greenhorn. I wanted to ask about the indictator LED.. I do not wish to use the one on the daughter board.. I have voltage at the daughter board only right now measuring from "A" to "K". Nothing at the main board...
  10. masonlewisdiesel

    Quick question(led)

    thank you
  11. masonlewisdiesel

    RangeFinder - Bias discussion

    I ended up trying the sideways PCB, i had enough tolerance to drop it right in without any filing! couple thou on each side I would guess. thanks again @phi1 for the idea.
  12. masonlewisdiesel

    Quick question(led)

    I guess to clarify: is 9v correct? voltage at all times? procedure for using secondary ONLY led spot Thank you
  13. masonlewisdiesel

    Quick question(led)

    Still really green when it comes to effects Quick question(s): 1: Is that indeed true, that all I need to do is jump the main pads "A" to "K" to utilize the daughter board's LED pads? 2: I have not put a LED in yet, but should I be seeing 9v at all times? effect on and in bypass? doesn't 9 seem...
  14. masonlewisdiesel

    Enclosure Drilling

    I ended up getting through with a step drill and a cordless, definitly need to get a press. I always seem to screw up the drilling. Thanks
  15. masonlewisdiesel


    By far, the Uni-vibe is my all time favorite effect... Bridge of sighs, Machine gun, hey baby(new rising), love all those songs! I met a gentleman from California that send me a PCB, and Kamila (Argenzino) is sending me a blank main enclosure as well as the speed(foot) controller that her and...
  16. masonlewisdiesel

    Ge transistors

    Recently picked up a lot of Germanium MP42B's(AC128/OC75) as well as MP16B"s(2N404). I am almost done sorting though them, about 90 out of 200 or so have a HFE between 40-60 as well as leak being okay. I'm new to pedal building so I'm still learning, is there any suggested use for these? any...
  17. masonlewisdiesel

    Enclosure Drilling

    First time posting here. When it comes to any project, getting holes drilled and graphics are a struggle for me. Im still an apprentice when it comes to the pedal game. Does anyone have some advice? I think that the best(easiest) way to tackle it would be CAD, then chuck it up in the CNC... at...
  18. masonlewisdiesel

    Multi meter

    had lots of meters over the years. the old analog and digital freebee harbor freight ones with the transistor tester, craftsmen, matco, mac, few flukes. They all have been great to be honest. In my opinion, there is no, zero reason that mandates Fluke as a "must have" for building pedals. Do...
  19. masonlewisdiesel


    I notice your last post was quite some time back, you still partake in this fourm? -M. Lewis
  20. masonlewisdiesel

    RangeFinder - Bias discussion

    ahh. that makes sense now. when I grabbed my first round of Pcbs from ppcb I picked up 3 of the 3pdt breakout ((with LED))board# pcb594) which i havent used simply due to not knowing how.. I can use a similar method to what you described? is it as simple as jumping the pads? or do need to alter...