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  1. mdc

    Death by Audio Synthesizer (LP circuit board)

    It allows for a degree of tolerance in assembly. Enclosures are drilled, the pots are mounted to the enclosure, the PCB drops onto the pots and is soldered in place.
  2. mdc

    Sandspur Fuzz build... Titled wrong.." It's Not a

    Try to find some 2N3440 maybe? They're mostly around 80hfe iirc.
  3. mdc

    XLR looper box

    A cool useful box! You might want to use MLCCs for those 100n caps.
  4. mdc

    2x LND150 OD

    This is mostly for my own notes, but after playing this for a while (a year?) I removed the two small value caps (C4 and C2 above) as I found it a little muffled. YMMV, a smaller value might be nice at C2 but I find I normally want more treble not less so here we are. This li'l guy still sounds...
  5. mdc

    Pedal board Output Buffer ?

    The clandestine preamp might do what ye seek.
  6. mdc

    Aluminum build-up on drills

    Dish soap work well in a pinch, you can cut it with water and iso alcohol.
  7. mdc

    Parentheses Mini - (beware of LM308 type used)

    To the OP's credit, they didn't say anything about the ICs being "fake" or even seem particularly fussed about it.
  8. mdc

    Vero board sourcing

    I really like the BusBoard brand stuff and get it from Amazon. Amplified Parts has (or at least had?) some cool colours if that's yr thing.
  9. mdc

    Attenuator + Power amp project?

    Hi all - just curious if anyone has stumbled across a project that combines an attenuator with a plug and play class-d power amp? Essentially - a solid state version of the Fryette Power Station. tyty
  10. mdc

    Mouse Rat (Lab Rat)

    I've never heard any meaningful difference between different types of opamps in a rat circuit. The difference between an OP07 and an LM-whatever hasn't been any more pronounced than the difference between two OP07s or LM-somethings. Socket the part and swap to your heart's content, but ime...
  11. mdc

    Modded Tone Bender Mk. III

    Great looking build! FWIW, a simple way to reduce the boominess in MKIIIs is to decrease C2 (per the Vero p2p schem). It gives a much tighter/guitar-focused sound, imo. Putting that cap on a switch with two options gives a nice option for switching between bass and guitar, or "tight" and "loose."
  12. mdc

    Parts Layout and Drill Template with Eagle Cad

    This and the subsequent videos:
  13. mdc

    PedalPCB 5-Loop True Bypass Switcher

    Tails, please.
  14. mdc

    Get to the Choppa! - Chop Shop

    You can always increase the value of the starve pot to increase the effect.
  15. mdc

    HM-3 Hyper metal?

    It's a cool pedal, I like mine. I've never really dug too deep into it, but my understanding is that it's fairly close to a Tube Screamer with some extra clipping and a gyrator EQ similar to the other hyper pedals and metal zone.
  16. mdc

    Klon KTR mods - the JHS "Shamrock" Klonspiracy

    I would assume because he liked the clipping characteristics of whatever diode that happens to be but wanted a lower clipping threshold to better match the Ge pair. (I've never tried running multiples in parallel, so I actually don't really know if that would work)
  17. mdc

    What is your favorite "Big Muff" circuit, and why?

    It made for at least one iconic guitar sound:
  18. mdc

    What is your favorite "Big Muff" circuit, and why?

    IIRC it's just a jumbo tone bender in a different box, but the tone is usually in the box.
  19. mdc

    Thoughts on non-DIY reverb

    Honestly, a fantastic reverb pedal.