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  1. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

  2. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    I’ll take pics tonight for this particular build. It’s just happened on so many others that I thought I may be some step I’m missing/doing wrong.
  3. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    Would that fry the LED?
  4. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    Yes there is a clr It’s multiple builds. They work fine out of the enclosure, it’s wgen I tighten down that they blow.
  5. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    Plastic and chrome
  6. CheapSuitG

    Why am I blowing out LEDs?

    Built a pedal this evening, test fit in the enclosure but don’t tighten everything down. Fires right up. Woohoo! Tightening everything down, midway the led turns off, won’t come back on. Pull it, test it, it’s dead. Reason I keep power on is because it’s happened before, usually backing off...
  7. CheapSuitG

    Pedal trio for trumpet player

    Builds look great! Love the speed racer look. I mocked up a mach 1 with it but went a different direction. Need to find a pedal for it now.....
  8. CheapSuitG

    PPCB Pastel

    For mine I am waiting for more appropriate sized caps to get here, ordered the massive ones as well. Colorado cannabis laws and all. That and being an American, not knowing the metric system.
  9. CheapSuitG

    The "let the kids sleep"

    Looks great, hope you can get it to work!
  10. CheapSuitG

    PPCB Pastel

    I get my switches from Tayda and have never seen the black flipper like that. I’ll dive deeper and find it. Thanks!
  11. CheapSuitG

    PPCB Pastel

    Looks great! Where did you get the switch? Looks cool.
  12. CheapSuitG

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    The headphone out is going to be on the front vertical face, the guitar input and output are on the back/top face so should be fairly straight forward.
  13. CheapSuitG

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    As a right I see having the controls on the right as well. That said, I like the right hand volume of my SSL2+ interface, but rarely touch the gain pots on the channels. I have gone back and forth so many times. Should just flip a coin and go with it!
  14. CheapSuitG

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    Need opinions from the brain trust on this. What layout? I like the volume on the right so it is easier to reach without anything in the way. But it’s backwards pedal order, which isn’t a big deal. That’s said, it may be nice to have the Unicab on the right so I can tinker with sounds...
  15. CheapSuitG

    Aged Carbon Film Resistors

    Psshhhhh. If you want the real TOAN, you need to age them in an oak barrel to give it a smoother, rounder finish with notes of cherry.
  16. CheapSuitG

    New Production Germanium Transistors - What's The Scoop?

    So any time I see this post pop up, all I can think of is Seinfeld...
  17. CheapSuitG

    Can I use 2N5458 jfets instead of the J201 for a Chop Shop?

    Header pins. Brilliant. I have a shedload of them I will never use, prefect use for them. So much better than using trimmed legs off capacitors.
  18. CheapSuitG

    Even more new Tayda colors!

    I have the purple and pink as well as the gold and red, they look great, but didn’t see the blue and JUST did a Tayda order. Next time.
  19. CheapSuitG

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    There are a couple cool ones there, how would you wire this fella? I was thinking a 3DPT so I could just us a breakout board. Want it to power on both sides and...
  20. CheapSuitG

    Routing options and modification to a headphone amp and UniCab

    As for preamps I have the cobbler, Dixie and Bobby in the queue to build for this as well, couple different flavors.