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  1. BipolarBear

    Enamel Clear-coat developing cracks

    Hey all, I threw a few coats of Rustoleum Crystal Clear Enamel over a pedal enclosure I had painted up, and came back to find that it was covered in little white streaks/cracks: I've never had any problems with clear coating before, so this is new to me. Anybody else ever encounter anything...
  2. BipolarBear

    CDXL Reissue, Extremely Quiet

    Whats up all, Just built the CDXL Reissue envelope filter, but when it's all together I'm getting almost no signal at all (without any effects either.) LED and true bypass are working as intended. Could this potentially be an issue with the LM358? I messed up the tayda order and got the SO-8...
  3. BipolarBear

    Sidechain Compressors

    Hi all, I've been looking in to sidechain/ducking compressors, and although I've found some cool boutique options, I'd much rather see if I can make it for myself. I've had thoughts about modifying one of the PedalPCB compressors with a switched jack but I'm still a little too rookie so I...
  4. BipolarBear

    SOLVED Cataclysm Jr. Hum, no signal

    Hi all, building the cataclysm jr. delay pedal and I’ve encountered a problem. Everything’s all boxed up but I’m just getting a loud hum when I engage the stomp with no signal coming through. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? The bypass is clean and the led turns on correctly. Gut shot...
  5. BipolarBear

    SOLVED Muffin Fuzz - Works, but humming

    Hi all, Just finished up the Green Russian Muffin Fuzz, pretty straightforward build, gut shot below: When I plug it in and play, the bypass is pretty clean and the fuzz works, but I'm getting a pretty loud humming when the pedal's on, even with the power unplugged. What do you guys...
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