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  1. M


    Just asked this same question on a new thread...oops. Should've just searched RLED the first time!
  2. M

    Muffin Fuzz RLED question

    I'm in the final stages of building this as a Civil War clone, I was waiting on some odd value resistors I didn't have. But there is the RELD spot among the resistor bank on the bottom row of the board. It comes from the SW input, and then leads up to the indicator light. Does this need to be...
  3. M

    I added the mid control to my Thermionic Distortion to make it a Little Debbie

    Ooh that's pretty handy. Being familiar with this pedal that I'm building for the first time, can I use a DPDT for the footswitch, or does it need to be 3PDT?
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