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  1. S

    Caesar chorus

    I just build one of this ones and I notice that when the pedal is engaged the volumen decreased substantially. I try to ply with the trim pot but either bypass the effect or I get the decrease in volumen . Is this normal??? And if it is there is anyway to correct it ? Thx
  2. S


    Im building a sabbath pedal. In the capacitor list don’t say if they need to be . Film, monolithic , ceramic, electrolytic. Is that matter or I can use what ever I have available. Thx
  3. S

    I’m building a Sabbath distortion

    In the reference page on R5 it show under resistor “47” now on the PCB board say in R5 47p. Is that a regular 47K resistor? Thanks
  4. S

    I’m building a Sabbath distortion

    In the reference page on R5 it show under resistor “47” now on the PCB board say in R5 47p. Is that a regular 47K resistor?
  5. S

    Sandspur Fuzz no sound

    I build a Sandspur Fuzz everything looks find, and I test all the components before, installed. When the pedal is bypass, the sound is normal, now when you engage the pedal there is no sound . Here are some pictures of the pedal in question thx