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  1. B

    SOLVED Before I start tracing the circuit....

    That was my issue. Thank you, Robert for your quick and detailed reply. Much appreciated! Pedal sounds killer. Time to house this sucker.
  2. B

    SOLVED Before I start tracing the circuit....

    Ah man, thank you a million times over. Fixing, testing and will update. Been staring at this for too long now. Misspoke there, Ungula was my first build. Working through this reverb for #2.
  3. B

    SOLVED Before I start tracing the circuit....

    Is there anything *visibly* wrong with this Levitation build that I'm just overlooking? This is my second build and while everything looks good to my eyes, I'm not getting any signal. Have already checked input/output/power wiring. Getting power, getting what *sounds* like continutity through...