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    Infinidrive Filter Switch

    Hey yall. Built an Infinidrive twice, and both times the filter switch brought some high pitch op amp oscillation, just curious if anyone has built this one before and what the filter switch is suppose to be doing?
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    Caesar Shape Switch

    Hi guys. Built a Caesar chorus. It works, everything sounds awesome, the blend knob is a bit strange, it’s like it’s blending two parts of the chorus together, but that’s not what I wanted to post about. To anyone who has built it without any issues, does the shape switch seem to do anything for...
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    Module8 Volume Drop

    Just built my Module8, everything works, all the knobs and programs function as they should, but I get pretty noticeable volume drop. I used MLCC 1Uf caps and measured them to make sure they weren’t too off, other than that, built everything to exactly spec. Is anyone else having this issue?