Accidentally ordered 3-Terminal 1/4" Stereo Input/Output Jacks, instead of Mono 1/4" Jacks

Another option is to make up another order with the jacks you intended to get plus some other rainy-day stuff, and save the stereo jacks for that rainy-day, too. I've miss-ordered parts and tried to give them to my friend who repairs amp, he said "keep them..." and he was right. I wound up coming across a project later that required the "miss-ordered" bits.

Either way, enjoy your build!

The cool thing about having a pedal-builder's stash is that it's legal just about everywhere.
You could also use them as mono by wiring the Ring and Sleeve together for added shorting when removing jacks. Obviously, you don't have to do it this way.. Personally, I'm in favor of the "rainy day" stash method. I like to keep enough parts on hand to whip something up whenever curiosity calls.
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