Ahoy, Mateys...


Well-known member
Let's talk about motorboating...the pedal issue, not nautical past time. Yes, I just finished a build that does a great Queen Mary impression, but this is not a troubleshooting thread (that'll be for later, if I cant sink this ship in the meantime). So what causes motor boating? What should one look for thing to troubleshoot? At what point does it become a “feature” rather than a “defect”?…
It's a feature if you have a motorboat.. ;)
Motorboating is also an oscillation but at low frequency. May be caused by suppy power issues within a circuit.

So yea, I forgot to mention that in the OP. From what I have seen so far, the two most common causes are issues with the circuit itself (wrong parts, things touching, etc.), or an issue with the power supply. Can motorboating (low frequency oscillation) be cured the same way as high frequency oscillation?...with a small cap across a transistor?...
This isn’t a troubleshooting thread…I’m just trying to learn about motorboating, and the guy at the Yacht Club told me to stop wasting his time…

It’s a PPCB Carbon Black 2-in-1 with a Squidward. It only motorboated at full gain. I fixed it. However, now I want to know why it was motorboating, and how I “fixed” it…