Artemis Preamp Drive Mk. I
Based on the Catalinbread® SFT, an adaptation of the Ampeg® SVT, a legendary high-powered bass amplifier that first appeared in 1969.

I just built this and gain doesn’t seem to be working. The volume bass and treble pots seem to be doing their job, but turning the gain knob causes no change in volume until the very very last bit of travel. Plus, there’s breakup all the time, even with it fully off, but like I said, turning it up causes no discernible difference.
I hooked a MM up to the two outside legs and found that it appropriately sweeps from 0-1M ohms. I have a signal tracing setup, but don’t really know how to go about diagnosing why there’s breakup all the time and why a seemingly functional pot isn’t impacting the sound at all. The transistors are surface mount 2N5457 JFETs that Aion sells.
Any ideas?