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When I saw that the JHS Crayon PCB was finished, I decided to abstain from buying it until I finish all the pedal projects I’ve started (and which have gone untouched for at least a year).
These two were mostly done, just needed to paint the boxes and calibrate the distortion / compression. For the boxes, I did my best Rothko impression. The distortion calibration went fine, but for the compression calibration I could not get a reading with the desired 1.17VAC (the range I got for the Clean channel was .41-1.08 and for the Drive channel .26-.57VAC). Regardless, the compressor sounds fine (in certain situations, see below).
I tried both pedals through the power amp inputs of a Hot Rod Deluxe and a JC-120. The Clean channel, which is supposedly modeled to be Twin-like, is very bright, kind of spanky sounding. It can get fairly overdriven. I didn’t like it all that much.
I thought the Drive channel sounded very good. It was supposedly a novel circuit, not meant to model anything - it has the added mid range frequency control which feels pretty powerful, lots of tone shaping available.
One strange thing is that since the compressor is at the end of the circuit, the master volume has to be up a certain amount (around 8/9 o’clock for me) before the compressor kicks in. On the Hot Rod, that was too loud! I thought the compressor wasn’t working until I plugged it into the JC. With the JC I was able to turn up the master volumes louder and the compressor was doing its thing just fine. I wonder if proper calibration would help - or maybe it’s just a quirk of the way the circuit is designed.
I still haven’t plugged these pedals into a direct recording set-up (I use a Helix). This is the main use that I have for these pedals, I have a feeling it’s going to sound great.
I could probably scrounge up a demo if there’s interest. On to the next unfinished project.