Blackhat Bonanza And Some Other Boss Builds


New member
Long time listener, first time caller to these parts. Was lucky enough to receive some Blackhat boards and now they're all finished it'd be rude not to showcase the dudes work.

AD-9 - DM2-B - CE-2

Not completely sold on the artwork on the AD-9, should have printed on white paper to make the colours pop a little more so considering redoing it. Amazing PCBs and biasing was a breeze. Coloured decal on the AD-9, alcohol inks under decals on the DM2-B & CE-2. Added an effects loop to the DM2-B cause I was feeling fancy.



And managed to grab an MN3204 to make the Blackhat flanger into a HF-2 to round out the Boss flanger collection, massive props to the Boss aficionado that is Chris for telling me I needed one. Complete with a BB BF-1, a 125B BF-1 with positive and negative feedback switch and also a BF-2 in a 125b by this small outfit called PeedlePBC you've likely never heard of. Alcohol inks under a decal for 3, and a really bad almost lasering of the Tayda powdercoat on the BF-2. Clinton really helped get the original BB BF-1 sorted so massive thanks to him on that, phoned in the wiring a little as I couldn't wait to get it buttoned up and the layout was janky as hell. Plus dat orange peel effect in the clearcoat really adds to the 'I couldn't have cared less if it had fallen out a window' look. Also if you look really closely you can see the HF-2 has two pot labels the wrong way round so they got offboarded but if anyone asks it was a limited edition PCB and not artwork done by a fucking bellend.


Appreciate all of the compliments. It’s really awesome to see some of my pcbs out in the wild. You did them justice 🤘💪. This also reminds me that I never gave your BF-1 a proper build report. I need to get on that.