C2C Nobelium (rack content)


Well-known member
As usual I’m a little late to the party on this one. No real mods speak of except for putting it in a rack case with the optional input and balanced out strictly for cable management and flexibility, which definitely adds some cost but is working for me keeping things off the floor and desk. Easy to reach and conductive to work flow.


I had a couple of old 12AU7s in the collection a Sylvania and some other one that I can’t tell who made it but they sound great, the noise floor is a lot lower than expected. The sub frequencies are crazy good. And I was also surprised at how good the high end sounds this makes a great preamp if you have a seven string.


Doing the panel layouts was nice to do I’m burned out on doing the digital art coming up with ideas and manipulating images, ect. But I still have to put a Sci-fi twist on it ( right?) so as a nod to the Nobelium I went with the infamous element 115 Bob Lazar first mentioned in 1989 but wasn’t actually synthesized until 2003 and not until 2016 was the element confirmed and added to the periodic table. Unlike the element this preamp/DI is rock solid stable.


Can’t wait to see how this thing sits in a mix!

Awesome project even if you aren’t a bass player.