Combo build for pedal board core: Pre-boost, Clean/drive channel, cabsim, noise-gate, post boost.

that’s cool and all for the projects that aren’t available on PPCB, you have obviously put some work into it, trying to sell “ alternatives” to PPCB offerings on the PPCB forum?… 😬. That’s kind of treading into some murky waters. Not trying to 💩 on your post here, but it’s not a good look could be seen as rude, others that have emulated Robert’s work have done so under the guise of not for profit, for themselves and giving away the extras or due to international issues. Not sure if you fall into this camp but it’s not looking that way. Maybe you need to word things a little differently.
that’s cool and all for the projects that aren’t available on PPCB, you have obviously put some work into it, trying to sell “ alternatives” to PPCB offerings on the PPCB forum?… 😬. That’s kind of treading into some murky waters. Not trying to 💩 on your post here, but it’s not a good look could be seen as rude, others that have emulated Robert’s work have done so under the guise of not for profit, for themselves and giving away the extras or due to international issues. Not sure if you fall into this camp but it’s not looking that way. Maybe you need to word things a little differently.
When I order these, I get 10 boards for myself and usually don't need all 10, so I offer a few extras for $2 each plus shipping. If I don't have extras, I don't sell any and I will never stock up and sell them. I'm a (nearly) retired engineer sharing a hobby, which is why I put them on PCBWay. Anyone can order boards for dirt cheap. The only reason I do alternates for boards already available is to make them as small as possible for embedding in a combo pedal format, hence the title of this thread. And it's not for beginners or faint of heart... These are difficult builds with some SMD components in most cases to get to small size. So, I don't even expect any more than single-digit orders from PCBWay. Sorry this is seen as rude.

And I'll add... If Robert ever wanted to expand into this modular combo format, I would gladly hand him every thing I've created, because I have zero desire to create all the infrastructure he's created to support sales, wikis and forums.
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When I order these, I get 10 boards for myself and usually don't need all 10, so I offer a few extras for $2 each plus shipping. If I don't have extras, I don't sell any and I will never stock up and sell them. I'm a (nearly) retired engineer sharing a hobby, which is why I put them on PCBWay. Anyone can order boards for dirt cheap. The only reason I do alternates for boards already available is to make them as small as possible for embedding in a combo pedal format, hence the title of this thread. And it's not for beginners or faint of heart... These are difficult builds with some SMD components in most cases to get to small size. So, I don't even expect any more than single-digit orders from PCBWay. Sorry this is seen as rude.
I understand now that I looked closer at the projects, and you cleared that up, on the surface at first glance it seems like something it was not.
I really appreciate all the work you share for free on here. I’ve had the 60w amp-in-a-pedal thread in my search results a number of times. Definitely one of the projects on my list.

I have a 1590DD I bought when I first started building, but never settled on anything. I think the whole modular all-in-one thing is super cool.
OK... The mother of all the modules. The full AMT M2 board. This will actually fit in a 125B as a stand-alone but it's purpose it to serve and the foundation of a combo pedal. The board can support the M2, E2, C2, and K2. I have to figure out how to have multiple BOMs at PCBWay.

At PCBWay:

Interactive BOM for M2

Interactive BOM for E2