Well, to start with, you'd want to have a resistor in series with the pot so that you don't burn it out when it's set to a minimum resistance. And you are fine using a TC1. I feel like I can't emphasize that enough—it's just as valid a tool for ballpark hFE/leakage figures as the Keen rig, and it's much easier and faster to use. And yes, you would want to swap the battery terminals if you're using PNP transistors. But I think you still really need to just chill out about transistor testers. Lots of people, including some people who do this for a living, use the TC1 to test transistors. It works. Instead of undertaking a quest to build the perfect RG Keen transistor tester circuit, just use the TC1. Or better yet, breadboard the circuit and see how the circuit sounds with different transistors—that's what really matters.