Concert seat choices


Well-known member
I’m looking at tickets to an upcoming concert and have no idea to which to choose (I’m used to going to far smaller venues without set seating). Most of what I would intuitively think are good seats seem to be taken. Does anybody have any insights into the options here?


Green = orchestra
Red = balcony
I always enjoy front row balcony for most seated events including baseball games. Otherwise, as long as I’m in a location where it sounds good I’m happy.
I always like to get as close to the soundguy as possible.
This is the correct choice. Unless it's a tiny gig and the FOH engineer is Bob the barman.

If it's a smaller seated gig, then 7-10 rows back is pretty good. Don't have to bend your neck all night, and you get good vision.

Avoid being under any balconies.
Depends on the band.

For example: most Jazz trios, the piano will be stage right then bass and drums (*or drums & bass).
Whatever side the bass player is usually on, I'll pick that side. Usually I like stage left, but sometimes you just don't know what the stage plot will be like...

This band, for instance, usually had the bass player situated stage right:

Pic from a TalkBass thread
I've been nearly killed to death being in the beam of too many guitar cabs. Anyone from the Winnipeg area remember The Pumps? Loudest bar band I've ever heard. A cranked Hiwatt in a bar setting. Seriously great guitar sound though.