Hey guys
This is my first post here and im kind of out of ideas… tried everything i know but i just cant seem to get my board working… gives a weird gainy sound that cuts when i strum too hard… reflowed every joint… checked every single part on board one by one (even desoldered caps and put new ones in)… changed transistors and restested a few times… rebiased jfets at around 4.5vdc each time…
I know this is a long shot but was wondering if any of you guys had ideas?
This is my first post here and im kind of out of ideas… tried everything i know but i just cant seem to get my board working… gives a weird gainy sound that cuts when i strum too hard… reflowed every joint… checked every single part on board one by one (even desoldered caps and put new ones in)… changed transistors and restested a few times… rebiased jfets at around 4.5vdc each time…
I know this is a long shot but was wondering if any of you guys had ideas?