Cream Pie Fuzz - Work in Progress


Breadboard Baker
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
So, today I decided to build a pedal. It's been a while since I've turned on my iron for a gooood session or two, and though today would be good since I was kind of glued to my computer all day with work meetings. Luckily, I can just take my laptop to my workbench and still seem like I'm active in those meetings. There mostly informative since I'm still pretty new at my job, but hearing enough conversations and things start to "click".

Anyways, I looked through my backlog of boards and decided on an easy one today. This is the Cream Pie Fuzz and is compared to the Frantone Cream Puff. Looking under the hood via schematics, it is very similar to a Muff: 2 clipping stages with red LEDs, Gain control, BMP style tone control, and volume at the end. What drew me to purchase this board was a good fuzz for my bass. I've built a couple of them and modded a BMP board. I'm either still looking for a good dirt bass sound or I want to like a dirty bass, but don't.

All parts were sourced via Tayda and were extras in my inventory. It's always nice to have all your components lying around for when the mood strikes. To me, Tayda is almost a one stop shop for basic pedal components. You want that NOS germanium, belton brick, or BBD chip? Look elsewhere.

Anywho, this whole build sans artwork took only a few hours, but time well spent. I've forgotten how much fun putting together a pedal in one day is. Especially during work hours :cool: . How does it sound? I can honestly say, this pedal sounds great on BOTH guitar and bass! Like I said above, this is a Muff-esque circuit but with an opamp instead of BJTs. I had a issue modifying a muff for bass...well, not really an issue but more of an inconvenience with the BJTs "farting out" in certain spots on higher gain settings. There's plenty of low end in there for you bass heads, but on guitar it doesn't get muddy and the highs come through nicely. Oh, and another thing: this circuit is LOUD. On Bass, I've barely opened up the volume to get to unity. On guitar I need to crank it a bit, but I'm thinking I've got an issue with my pedalboard or cables so this is probably user error on my end, haha.

I decided to go with a blue theme and have a couple of ideas on enclosure art. It will be rattle can with some sort of design on it. I'll let this one sit for a few days for an idea to come through.

My overall recommendation: for such a low parts count, this is a really good muff sounding pedal and IMO has flown under the radar with a lot of people here. It's one of the cheaper boards in the shop so add it to your cart next time there's a sale. Or just order it. Or don't.

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