Deflector vs afterneath

Atom ant

Well-known member
Hi-I just finished a Deflector build (report coming once i finish the enclosure) but my question is-how close is it actually to an afterneath? Ive never played an afterneath, so I have nothing to base it on. Its great, but there are vids of the afterneath that have effects I cant seem to replicate. Im sure the effects controls aren’t placed in the same locations as the original, so that confuses things even more. Im going off of a V1 vid from eqd site, so its not due to newer versions. Anyway, just curious!
The Deflector is not a "clone" of the Afterneath.

Like all (except two) of the FV-1 projects, the circuit structure is similar, the algorithm is original (the EQD code is proprietary and can't be used legally).
I figured about the legal consequences of copying code. I wasn’t expecting anything to be exact of course, I was just curious. I love the pedal, so thanks again and well done Robert and friends. You really have created something special here with your big brains and big hearts.