EXAMPLE Developing a custom pcb for Daisy Seed - Funbox

Update on my build.

Parts arrived and I was able to finish soldering the board. I uploaded the Neptune patch via the web loader.

The bad news is that it is noisy and I am getting the dreaded 1 kHz whine. I tried a TL074 and the only other quad op amp on hand, which is a TLC274BCN. Same issue with both. I do not currently have it fully boxed up. The jacks and power are not soldered in place and I am using alligator cables to a breadboard for testing. Not sure if that is a factor or not. I think I might have had a similar issue with a Terrarium build that was fine once it was all boxed up, but I might be imagining that.

I will order some MCP6024 and finish boxing the circuit and see if either of these makes a difference.

On the positive side, the Neptune patch is really cool. I had fun playing with it while testing.

Thanks for the work on this. I will update when I can.