Drill Templates


New member
I'm looking for drill docs - could only find one for PCB231 and that was on the PCBs webpage. What's the trick here? How do we get drill templates?

Here's what I'm currently looking for:

PCB596 Lead Solder Overdrive
PCB277 Boogie Monster
PCB416 Cepheid Chorus
PCB416 Cepheid Chorus (Kill’em Mod) no 7.2 holes
PCB312 Actual Overdrive Jr.
PCB312 Actual Overdrive Jr. (Kill’em Mod) no 7.2 holes
PCB487 Cannon Fodder MKII Distortion
I'm looking for drill docs - could only find one for PCB231 and that was on the PCBs webpage. What's the trick here? How do we get drill templates?

Here's what I'm currently looking for:

PCB596 Lead Solder Overdrive
PCB277 Boogie Monster
PCB416 Cepheid Chorus
PCB416 Cepheid Chorus (Kill’em Mod) no 7.2 holes
PCB312 Actual Overdrive Jr.
PCB312 Actual Overdrive Jr. (Kill’em Mod) no 7.2 holes
PCB487 Cannon Fodder MKII Distortion
Check build docs
I'd not there, check build docs of pedals with the same layout