Dudes out of Pot!


New member
Sorry I couldnt help myself.

Purchasing parts from Tayda for the Abider/Dude peadal however they dont stock C25K antilog pot required for the Deep knob.

What would be a good replacement? Another 'C' style pot at a different value or another style pot at 25K?

And if you dont mind, explain the differences in application.

School me Daddy
I took a look at the schematic, it's for the bass on the last gain stage, similar to how a timmy is actually. A b25k pot would work but have a worse feeling taper.
You can replicate a C25K pot with a B250K pot with a 27.5K resistor in parallel with it (just go thru some 27k resistors to find one that measures close up 27.5k, or just don’t worry about being that specific and just do the 27k resistor, which will give you roughly a C24K pot… 29k would work too if you’re really worried about losing that extra tiny bit of range.
This seems like a relevant thread to ask - how about a C2k pot? Legs 2-3 are shorted so it's just a variable resistor. I used an A100k pot with a 2k resistor across, which worked according to the a spreadsheet calculator I found, but it doesn't seem to work correctly with one of the connections set to "short". Or at least the curve is different if you change the resistor from legs 1-2 to 1-3 which is not correct in this case. Should I used a B100k or something like that?
This seems like a relevant thread to ask - how about a C2k pot? Legs 2-3 are shorted so it's just a variable resistor. I used an A100k pot with a 2k resistor across, which worked according to the a spreadsheet calculator I found, but it doesn't seem to work correctly with one of the connections set to "short". Or at least the curve is different if you change the resistor from legs 1-2 to 1-3 which is not correct in this case. Should I used a B100k or something like that?
If you’re trying to replicate a C2k pot, a B10k pot with a 2k5 resistor (or something close to that– 2k7 is okay) will get you damn close. A B20k pot with a 2k2 resistor would be even closer, but most people don’t really keep 20k pots on hand too often.
If you’re trying to replicate a C2k pot, a B10k pot with a 2k5 resistor (or something close to that– 2k7 is okay) will get you damn close. A B20k pot with a 2k2 resistor would be even closer, but most people don’t really keep 20k pots on hand too often.
Thanks - the A100k pot is not working that well right now, the gain stays the same (clean) for 95% of the way and the last 5% has everything, but there's also the resistor which lowers gain if it's too high and mine is double what it should be, so I'll try replacing that first when I get some new parts and then if the taper is still very much off, I'll try a B20k. I'm finishing an order on Tayda so I'll squeeze in one more B20k (the closest C-taper pots they have are 1k or 5k, both are quite a bit off).

Neither Tayda or Musikding even have any 2k rev log pots, Banzaimusic has some but they're straight PCB mounts, not the vertical type (plus it's expensive as hell, especially for single parts with the shipping - Musikding I could at least order a kit to go with it or something).
Thank for all the replies. In my case I think I am just going to go with the link David provided above. 6 bucks for 2 pots including shipping is doable