Easiest way to add 3-way tone toggle


New member
Hi guys, I have been planning to either mod or build a dod250/distortion+ for a little while, the mod being that I want to add a 3-way tone toggle switch (ideally it would be a hi-cut, with one position being 'off', one position rolling off some highs, and one position rolling off more highs, but I'm also open to other variations as long as there would be at least one 'dark' mode.) I have seen a handful of pedals that have a 3-way tone toggle but it's hard for me to translate the circuitry especially when most other pedals have a lot of other knobs and controls that seem to overlap or intersect. So my basic question is- What is the simplest/most straightforward way to add a 3-way tone toggle to an existing overdrive/distortion circuit?

*Note: I specifically do not want a tone knob. I find myself micro-adjusting tone knobs too often so I only want a 3-way toggle.

also would love to learn about any pedals that already exist and are what i described. I actually haven't been able to find one that didn't have extra bells and whistles. AionFX aphelion is close but it has a 3-way clipping diode switch that I don't want or need.

Switch C5(on PPCB distortion 250 schem)

Currently, it rolls off at 16k
10n would roll off at 1.6k
4.7n would be 3.5k
2.2n - 7.2k
6.8 - 2.3k
8.2 - 1.9k
Switch C5(on PPCB distortion 250 schem)

Currently, it rolls off at 16k
10n would roll off at 1.6k
4.7n would be 3.5k
2.2n - 7.2k
6.8 - 2.3k
8.2 - 1.9k
So wire a 3-way toggle that switches between 3 different cap values at the c5 position? Sounds good, how would I do that?
Single pole on off on
Leave your smallest cap on the pcb
Wire from one side of the cap to center lug.
1 leg of your 2 mod caps attach to lug 1 and 3
Their other legs tied together and connect to a wire that goes to the other leg of your PCB cap.
Parallel capacitance is additive.
So a 10nF parallel to a 1nF = 11nF

You can also connect all 3 caps to the switch. Wire from PCB to center lug and smallest cap(attached to center lug).
1 leg of the other 2 caps to lugs 1 and 3(as above, 1 cap each lug).
You'll have 1 cap on each of the 3 lugs. Attach the 3 "flying" legs together with a wire.
Wire back to other PCB lug.
If you are using non-polatized caps, it doesn't matter which pad on the pcb you use.
Single pole on off on
View attachment 81576
Leave your smallest cap on the pcb
Wire from one side of the cap to center lug.
1 leg of your 2 mod caps attach to lug 1 and 3
Their other legs tied together and connect to a wire that goes to the other leg of your PCB cap.
Parallel capacitance is additive.
So a 10nF parallel to a 1nF = 11nF

You can also connect all 3 caps to the switch. Wire from PCB to center lug and smallest cap(attached to center lug).
1 leg of the other 2 caps to lugs 1 and 3(as above, 1 cap each lug).
You'll have 1 cap on each of the 3 lugs. Attach the 3 "flying" legs together with a wire.
Wire back to other PCB lug.
If you are using non-polatized caps, it doesn't matter which pad on the pcb you use.