Effects Layouts Sasquatch II


Well-known member
Build Rating
3.00 star(s)
Big Muff and blendable Green Ringer Ocatve? Hells yeah. At least that's what I thought.

I really have no problem with Storyboardist or EL but I've had the most problems with their builds. Not bad mouthing them. Their projects are really good. Their support has been good. My only complaint is the layouts and even documentation have not been great. (Especially compared to PPCB).

One big mistake I made was labeling the footswitches wrong. I assumed that bypass on the right, octave and the left. After reading the schematic (after all boxed up) I realized I messed up. My fault. I ended up whiting out the labels on the pedal.

Also after I got it boxed up, the bypass was messed up. I didn't realize until I looked at the description on the site that in input pads were backwards. It also said there was a revision that fixes this. I just bought this board I assumed had the fixed version. Again, my bad for assuming. I boofed the footswitch trying to fix it so I had to redo all that.

After all that I finally got it going. It is a cool pedal. Basically reminds me of a EQD Hoof since it's a Ge/Si hybrid Muff. Except it just like splits the treble and bass of the tone section. I used 2N1308's for the Ge transistors. Which area little more hfe than the ~200 suggested. Still worked out good.

The circuit kicks ass. I just have knock some stars off for a not so good build experience.

I do like how the graphics came out.

Oh and this was my first time soldering a SMD J201. It was much easier than I anticipated. Looks crappy but that will get better the more I do it.


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How do you like it compared to the Aion Nexus? I have been thinking about doing a muff with some different tone controls and saw you have done both. I think I would really like a parametric muff but other than the deluxe muff(in a crazy large box with side jacks) which I don’t think there is a PCB for I can’t seem to find one.
How do you like it compared to the Aion Nexus? I have been thinking about doing a muff with some different tone controls and saw you have done both. I think I would really like a parametric muff but other than the deluxe muff(in a crazy large box with side jacks) which I don’t think there is a PCB for I can’t seem to find one.
It's pretty different from the Nexus. This one has a cool Ge flavor and it seems more on par with the green russian tone stack. I do like this one better since I gravitate towards the green russian muffs.