Well-known member
I'm not sure how I missed this PCB when I was building all my boost pedals a few months ago. Ironically, all the different PPCB boosts I built was to replace the last COTS pedal in my rig, which was the TC Electronic Spark. I stumbled on the Ember board in one of my late night half asleep shopping spree's and of course had to order it!
As I've said elsewhere, I think the TC Spark is one of the most under-rated boost pedals out there. It doesn't get a lot of attention but those people that do use it seem to absolutely love it (like me). It does everything an Xotic RC Booster is "supposed" to do (but doesn't imo) all for a pittance in todays pedal economy.
Sweetwater has this pedal for $69.
I would categorize it more as a low gain overdrive that also does a really clean boost. When I looked at the BOM for the pedal I got a bit of sticker shock seeing that it called for 3 OPA2134's
. Not exactly sure why the original uses these pricey chips as I can't really see it making a huge difference in a pedal like this. Especially when the original pedal costs less than many AliExpress clones.....
Nevertheless, I hoarded my last 3 OPA2134's for this build although I suspect it would sound just as good with NE5532's or TL072's.
I did a search on the forum and read some posts about some suggested mods and I usually will try anything @Chuck D. Bones suggests, so I omitted C19 and dropped C10 to 100p. I wish I could say I understood what this actually is doing, but I don't, I'm just a lemming that listens to the advice of his betters
Couple of other mods I did, I socketed the clipping diodes and have BAS33's in there right now instead of the 1N914's that the BOM calls for. This was just for giggles to see what it would sound like. (And mostly because I have a boatload of BAS33 diodes.....filed under the "Why did I buy these again" category)
I also had a PPCB C-Buffer board that I bought a while ago looking for a pedal to stick it in. This was as good as any since it will probably live on my board forever.
I've been noticing some high end loss when I run my Dark Rift and Spatialist pedals into the front end of my interface. Putting a buffered bypass pedal in front of it seems to help it quite a bit. I've got two other pedals with Cornish style buffers and they seem to work well for me. Another recent build that seems to like a buffered pedal in front of it is my Tone Vendor MkII.
My primary use for my Spark is not so much boosting as much as a unity gain tone shaper. The active tone stack is very useful to dial in (or dial out) certain frequencies especially in front of an overdrive. The "Fat and Mid" switches are very useful to dial in a sweet light overdrive sound or fatten up another overdrive pedal.
Comparing side by side my Ember and my COTS Spark, it's really very close. The Ember sounds slightly fuller and maybe a wee bit warmer. The Spark sounds a bit thinner, maybe cleaner but it's really splitting hairs and probably a healthy does of placebo affect. One thing for sure though TOP MOUNTED JACKS RUUUUUULZ!!!
(Can you tell I detest side mounted jacks?
I was trying to record a demo of this pedal into my Dumbloid with some David Gilmour licks just to piss off @thewintersoldier
)) but my recording set up has been fritzy since I updated the firmware.....(sigh, it's always something......). I might give it another shot or just post the truncated version of what I was able to record.
Anyway, highly recommended, flexible boost pedal, eq pedal.
(PS, not sure why the C-buffer board looks so rough in the picture. I cleaned the snot out of it with IPA last night.)
As I've said elsewhere, I think the TC Spark is one of the most under-rated boost pedals out there. It doesn't get a lot of attention but those people that do use it seem to absolutely love it (like me). It does everything an Xotic RC Booster is "supposed" to do (but doesn't imo) all for a pittance in todays pedal economy.
Sweetwater has this pedal for $69.
I would categorize it more as a low gain overdrive that also does a really clean boost. When I looked at the BOM for the pedal I got a bit of sticker shock seeing that it called for 3 OPA2134's

Nevertheless, I hoarded my last 3 OPA2134's for this build although I suspect it would sound just as good with NE5532's or TL072's.
I did a search on the forum and read some posts about some suggested mods and I usually will try anything @Chuck D. Bones suggests, so I omitted C19 and dropped C10 to 100p. I wish I could say I understood what this actually is doing, but I don't, I'm just a lemming that listens to the advice of his betters

Couple of other mods I did, I socketed the clipping diodes and have BAS33's in there right now instead of the 1N914's that the BOM calls for. This was just for giggles to see what it would sound like. (And mostly because I have a boatload of BAS33 diodes.....filed under the "Why did I buy these again" category)
I also had a PPCB C-Buffer board that I bought a while ago looking for a pedal to stick it in. This was as good as any since it will probably live on my board forever.
I've been noticing some high end loss when I run my Dark Rift and Spatialist pedals into the front end of my interface. Putting a buffered bypass pedal in front of it seems to help it quite a bit. I've got two other pedals with Cornish style buffers and they seem to work well for me. Another recent build that seems to like a buffered pedal in front of it is my Tone Vendor MkII.
My primary use for my Spark is not so much boosting as much as a unity gain tone shaper. The active tone stack is very useful to dial in (or dial out) certain frequencies especially in front of an overdrive. The "Fat and Mid" switches are very useful to dial in a sweet light overdrive sound or fatten up another overdrive pedal.
Comparing side by side my Ember and my COTS Spark, it's really very close. The Ember sounds slightly fuller and maybe a wee bit warmer. The Spark sounds a bit thinner, maybe cleaner but it's really splitting hairs and probably a healthy does of placebo affect. One thing for sure though TOP MOUNTED JACKS RUUUUUULZ!!!
(Can you tell I detest side mounted jacks?

I was trying to record a demo of this pedal into my Dumbloid with some David Gilmour licks just to piss off @thewintersoldier

Anyway, highly recommended, flexible boost pedal, eq pedal.
(PS, not sure why the C-buffer board looks so rough in the picture. I cleaned the snot out of it with IPA last night.)