EQD Data Corrupter Buster Toggle-What Kind/Where to Buy?

I recently was given an EQD Data Corrupter with a busted toggle switch and I'm in the process of sourcing the parts to repair myself. It's the Unison/-1 -2 selector toggle. Anyone know what kind exactly and where I can source it from? I've never replaced or ordered this type of switch. Thanks!

Mitchy.jpg Data Corrupter Repair.png
Can you rotate the board 180 degrees and get a pic of the other side? Also flip the board and get a pic of the footprint on the solder side?
Basically you need to see how many pins are coming out from where. There might also be some markings on the metal sides. This is a rotary switch, I'd guess Bourns.
I'm gonna take a stab at ALPS...




This one seems to be the closest match.

The problem is I haven't found an exact match — the EQD ones are obviously knurled shafts not D-shafts

Since you have to remove the dead rotary anyway, take it out and see what's written on it, if anything.
Hey my Kings, thank you for the quick ass responses!

Here are the requested pics. In regards to the knurled shafts, I could prob jimmy rig a situation of sorts.

Photo Jul 21, 7 54 47 AM.jpg Photo Jul 21, 7 55 02 AM.jpg