New member
I apologize if this isn’t allowed… but I posed a question on the thread below, and I’m really curious if somebody could help me out here in Troubleshooting.
I decided I wanted the octave for the fuzzy fox to be on a footswitch instead of the toggle. 3 wires from toggle pin out location on the pcb are running to a DPDT lugs 1,2,3. LED Negative is connected to lug 4. And I have 5 as ground running to ground on my bypass footswitch. When I engage the octave fuzz, the signal cuts out for a split second. Is there anything I could do so the signal from the fuzz does not cut out when octave is engaged?
Fuzzy Foxx switch and diodes questions
Howdy gang, Got a couple questions about the Fuzzy Foxx. 1. My reading of the schematic says that D1and D4 produce the octave, and D2 and D3 are the clippers. Is that accurate? 2. How closely matched to the octave diodes need to be to each other, and is there a range they should be in? 3. The...

I decided I wanted the octave for the fuzzy fox to be on a footswitch instead of the toggle. 3 wires from toggle pin out location on the pcb are running to a DPDT lugs 1,2,3. LED Negative is connected to lug 4. And I have 5 as ground running to ground on my bypass footswitch. When I engage the octave fuzz, the signal cuts out for a split second. Is there anything I could do so the signal from the fuzz does not cut out when octave is engaged?