Hey look, a new build report! Underminer Sub-Octave.


Well-known member
I finished this one up today - it took me a bit longer than usual because of my shoulder, but I managed. I actually think that being slightly hobbled was helpful in that it'd been like six weeks since I've done anything other than just solder a board and it was good to take a little more time. I also found a cleaner and faster way of wiring the footswitch board, so that's a win.

I need to thank @SYLV9ST9R for the artwork. He did a fantastic job. I was a little out of practice with the decal work on this one and lost a little definition in the lines. I'm happy to have some legit artwork on my pedal, though, and this feels so much more complete than my other builds. Wait till you see what he did for my next build. He nailed the artwork and I rocked the decal on that one.

I was only able to play around with it for a bit because of my arm, but it's pretty wacky on bass. It's like some kind of big, grinding, machine that needs oiling but that also has some kind of insane glitchy computer going nuts inside of it. Kind of makes me want to join Dismemberment Plan or something.

Quick edit: I forgot a piece of shrinkwrap inside, might as well bin it and start over 🤣

Here's a couple photos:

PedalPCB Underminer Sub-Octave
Happened to me a couple of times. Either I unsoldered one connection or carefully removed the shrink-wrap on the only side...
Looks great with those knobs and the toggle dress nut, but you got to straighten that footswitch dress nut :p.
Getting those nuts aligned properly is the bane of my existence! And I should have used a clear LED bezel as well.

Oh man, I am going to be so embarrassed in the meme thread!
Happened to me a couple of times. Either I unsoldered one connection or carefully removed the shrink-wrap on the only side...
Looks great with those knobs and the toggle dress nut, but you got to straighten that footswitch dress nut :p.

I'll go back on and fix it next weekend when I finish my other build. I noticed it after it was all together and I needed to get inside, but it's driving me nuts and I've gotta fix it. I'll also see if I can't get that nut straightened out 🤣
Is that a no film? If it is, you did a great job Joe!
It is no-film. I'd give myself a B- on it. I made some simple mistakes just from not having done it a while, really. The one I did after this came out stellar, so I think I was just out of practice.

Biggest issue is that I didn't keep the hairdryer close enough. When I peeled the film back there were lots of bits still stuck to it. I had to fill in some blanks with sharpie which would have been fine had I not given it a wipe with a rag that had some iso on it and smudged sharpie all over it 🤣

Edit to add: the sharpie smudged after baking, which I didn't think it'd do, but was totally wrong. Learned a good lesson, though!
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It is no-film. I'd give myself a B- on it. I made some simple mistakes just from not having done it a while, really. The one I did after this came out stellar, so I think I was just out of practice.

Biggest issue is that I didn't keep the hairdryer close enough. When I peeled the film back there were lots of bits still stuck to it.
Pretty sure this happens to me when I skimp on the air drying step or trim the film too close to the edge. I think Chris has found the same with short cutting the air drying.
Good to see your builds again Joe ! :love:
Glad we didn't scare him off! 😂😬