Hydra Delay (FV-1) tempo/rate LED


New member
I´ve seen some discussions regarding this question so please forgive my ignorance.

Is there a “hardware” only solution to add a rate/tempo LED on the Hydra Delay? Just the LED, no tap-tempo stomp switch. In some threads these 2 things are often thematically mixed together.

I have schematics (like Hydra mono pedals) with the FV-1 where the unused Rout Pin 27 is used to drive a LED via a small BJT.

What I didn't fully understand:

Do I have to write an extra code on the FV-1 for this purpose or does the chip acts by default this way?

Thanks a lot.
Pin #27 of the FV-1 is the Right (2nd) audio out of that chip. And while it could be used to drive a "rate/tempo" LED, it would flash at the rate of the audio transients and not necessarily that of the actual rate/tempo. I don't think the FV-1 lends itself to a true "rate/tempo" LED indicator option/feature. See the FV-1 Datasheet for details.
It can be done, yes, but it would involve a code change to output a pulse on pin 27.

One of the Keeley pedals does this.
Thanks a lot for the replies. I feared that already that writing a code on the eeprom will be necessary. Apparently this is over my skills.