Kliche Overdrive questions

Anytime. I was limited by the 3 x 5 inch sample size but there're probably a few ways you could do it. All I know is it's very easy to do and doesn't cost much.

I see you're a Hamer fan? My favorite guitar is my Hamer Studio.

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My first real good guitar (after years with an cheap SG clone) was a 1981 Hamer Studio. It still had the Fender style Hardtail bridge at the time. I still have it, but don't play it too much. My hand cramp on the D style neck shape, but of sentimental reasons i did not sell it.
My first real good guitar (after years with an cheap SG clone) was a 1981 Hamer Studio. It still had the Fender style Hardtail bridge at the time. I still have it, but don't play it too much. My hand cramp on the D style neck shape, but of sentimental reasons i did not sell it.
Oh wow they must have improved the neck on my 95 Studio because it's very comfortable for me. My 94 US Strat neck is not comfortable to me. Too flat and wide. Do you have a pic to post of the 81?
Ooh someone... Looking at you @hamerfan... Start a thread so people can post pics of their Hamers in it. It's one of the brands I've always liked but never got round to getting. I've played a few but never owned one.
Thanks, that's an AX84.com High Octane amp. About 12 watts, class A, high gain. Built it in 2010. The website is gone now, too bad. It was a nice website with cool people. I also built the October from that site (18 watt plexi). Both nice amps.
looks like you can still access some of the project resources

looks like you can still access some of the project resources

Yeah I didn't word that very well. The online forum that was part of the website is gone. I had a nice build thread for my 18 watt October. It's no longer accessible. They made a new website for the forum but it never got much traction. I never go there. True that the schematics and layouts are still there. That's a good thing. Hoffman amps is where I go to discuss amp stuff. That's a great website with some really smart amp builders.