Leprechaun with relay boards


Well-known member
Finally boxed up my Leprechaun. Used a relay board for each of the switches (thanks to PedalPCB for the help with the Magic wiring with the relay board).

I also experimented for weeks with different blend circuits with the intention of adding a mix knob and expression jack for that as well, but none of the circuits I tried to add seemed ideal (loss of volume or added noise, etc.).

I went the hand drawn route for the artwork, but my paint pens were acting up, so I could be happier, but still happy enough.

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Mammoth actually reposted this on their Instagram (I tagged them, as that's where I got the enclosure), which was a nice bump. Love the 1590BBT size and wish Tayda carried it (much more vertical space, which allowed for the 2 relay boards easily).
Thanks! I had plans to cram even more in there, but decided to keep it reasonable. Ha
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