Lytt Effects Benny the Jet (Son of Ben - Benson Preamp)

Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Lytt Effects is proud to present the: Benny the Jet

The PCB: obviously from the fine folks here at PedalPCB. The layout of this one, like with most projects, is easy to read, follow, and work with. The bias instructions are also super helpful to get it into the ballpark, and then adjust to taste by ear. I also used the 3PDT breakout board with LED brightness control, as I think it’s just such a cool feature to have. I’m one of those players who does not like overly bright LEDs, and I’ve always had to put painters tape over them on other pedals. It’s nice to have control over it for minimal extra work/parts.

The Build: Overall, this build went smoothly. No modifications to the circuit on this one, and I left out the optional cap for now. I plan on doing a DPDT (on-off-on) switch between the top two pots that will swap between a 10uf, no cap, and 4.7uf for some flavor options. Once I get that added, I will update here and try to do some demos. One thing I’m still working on is the LED and how best to wire it up and mount it. I haven’t really found a great option with the bezels I’m using, but the holes are already drilled, so it is what it is.

The Sound: I’ll get around to a demo at some point, but I’m really liking the sounds coming out of this thing. I use it as an always-on, very low gain flavor addition to the front of the chain. I really like it for that, but it also sounds cool at higher gain. I think I’ll experiment with placement, as I would bet that it sounds great as the last in the dirt section right before hitting the amp too.

The Design: the enclosure is from SBP, and is the Tango Green finish. The pictures don’t really do this one justice, but it’s a super cool green finish with flecks of silver/white. Not super glossy, but not matte. The name and graphics were inspired by a movie that I can recite line for line, and will always be one of my favorites. Benny the Jet just made too much sense for the Benson, and despite me not liking the Dodgers all that much, I think they have one of the greatest logos in all of sports. I named the controls as best I could to line up with what they do, but I think Ham and The Heater make the most sense. Graphics were UV printed over at Amplify Fun.

The Goods:
