Mesa MkIII / 90s Trey amp in a box pedal?

I'm searching for a preamp/aiab circuit that can get relatively close to mid 90s Trey/Phish tone (Mesa Mark III). Not the TSx2 into Ross part, but the amp tone itself. Haven't come across much in the way of Mesa Mark series voiced pedals. Plenty of Dual/Triple Rec ones, including the Dr Boogie which is a Dual Rec sound. Maybe something that sounds more like a hot rodded Fender, but when I use that as a search term, I just get Fender Hot Rod Deville content. Any suggestions?
Closest thing I can think of is the MI Audio Tube Zone. PPCB has a board here, with 7 knobs.
Second closest would MAYBE be the Boogeyman (from the guy who designed the Dr Boogey); it's a Mesa Mark II-inspired circuit.
Have you tried
major diatonic -> minor diatonic -> repeat?
I'd vote boogineman into a 6 band EQ, modded for the mesa freqs(do whatever with the 6th band).
Or maybe the other way around?
If you search, I believe someone here already did the heavy lifting on the value changes to match the mesa freqs.
Also note, the freqs mesa listed aren't the actual frequencies of the filter points. All that documented via a Google search.
if you absolutely need to build a mesa mark series, there are a couple vero projects you could try:
(although these are lead channel only - do you know which channels Trey uses? there's not a lot out there for the rhythm channels).

alternatively, if you would like to build something from the PedalPCB library - tbh, just about any high gain style distortion / preamp will probably get you close enough.
the amp is just one piece of the tone puzzle - we're not taking into account whatever other devices are in front of the amp, in the loop, and then there's the speakers/cabinets, which probably make a bigger difference than the choice of amp.

high gain possibilities:

Triple Rectifier. (Wampler Triple Wreck) - haven't tried it. supposedly pretty good , its opamp-based, so I'd be confident it's a winner.
I guess it's somewhat Mesa-adjacent at least.

Pathogen Distortion (Abasi Pathos) - supposedly a couple values away from being a Wampler Triple Wreck clone lol -

other high gain suggestions:

(ive actually built this one and it's the best distortion ive tried so far)

(highly rate this one too)

i wouldn't recommend the Dr Boogie, it's so heavily mid scooped that it's barely useable (to me at least)

probably the best way to decide is to check out some youtube demos and have a listen to the options you're considering...