Laundryroom David
Keyboard Cowboy 🤠
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What’s a clone of a Lovepedal Champ, easy as pie to build, and sounds a lot like an Electra by any other name? This guy.
Quick n real dirty. Ooollllldddd enclosure that’s been through it. Hoo boy. Might try a Q with a bit more oomph. The 2n5088 I have in there just ain’t doin’it for me.
I’m going to ascend back to a slightly higher level of self respect with my next build, but until then, I give you all:
Quick n real dirty. Ooollllldddd enclosure that’s been through it. Hoo boy. Might try a Q with a bit more oomph. The 2n5088 I have in there just ain’t doin’it for me.
I’m going to ascend back to a slightly higher level of self respect with my next build, but until then, I give you all: