Muffin Fuzz (Green Russian), bypass works, nothing while powered on


New member

Here is a guts show... there are a few things I was unsure of going in...

I have non-polarized caps in spots marked for polarized, one lead to positive and the other at the end, so one spot open. I have read that non-polarized should work fine.

The spot at R23 has no resistor on the specs sheet, do I need to put a jumper in there or is it fine totally blank?

My power works, LED comes on, I get a bypass signal from my guitar when off. Turning the pedal on results in no output. Hoping I just made a dumb mistake that someone can point out.

IMG_1198.jpg IMG_1200.jpg
Not trying to insult you because I'll admit I've done this before, but are you sure you're plugging the input and output cables to the right jacks?

Next most common thing is matching the right tansistors to the pinout on the PCB. The ones that start with 2N don't usually have the same pinout as the ones that start with BC.

Also, should work with R23 empty.