Octagon FV-1 - Control pots don't work


New member

I just finished the FV-1 based Octagon with additional switch to switch between internal and external. Everything works fine except the controls. Whatever control pot I adjust, the sound of an effect remains the same, so there is no change in parameter value (for all internal and external effects).

What is the reference that FV-1 uses to define the impact of the value of the control (POT0, POT1, POT2)? Is it e.g. REFN (pin 25) and REFP (pin 26)? Or DVDD (pin 8/23) and GND (pin4/7/11/19/24)?
This will help me understand where I have to look for the solution.

The control pots wiper sweeps between 3.3v (pin23) and GND. So, at max for each pot, lug 2 should read 3.3v, and at min lug 2 should read 0v. You could also take readings at the corresponding fv-1 pins (20, 21, 22)