DEMO Ottava Octave Fuzz

This post contains an audio or video demo


Well-known member
This one gave me a hard time. But my goal was to try and figure it out without posting in the troubleshooting forum. I’m getting close to 30 builds now, and I’ve been wanting to get better at solving problem builds.

I reflowed this 3 times. Still didn’t work.

After searching around, it became apparent that I should make myself an audio probe, so I did. Game Changer.

I found the issue between R2 and C1. There was an issue with the trace- I scratched it previously when trimming leads. So I put a lead between R2 and C1 and tada! 🎉

This was going to be my first build with an smd component, but I thought that could have been the issue and removed it. Oh well.

I like how nasty this this is- it’s fun to figure out how long you need to sustain a note to chill out the wild oscillations is produces.

