PedalPCB Seabed Delay (Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay)


Well-known member
Here's my Seabed Delay. At one time, I planned to build two of these into a single enclosure, so I could have one as an always-on slapback delay, and the second for whatever random longer delays. So I ordered two boards; that was a long time ago. I forgot about those plans, and had later plans to compare the Seabed to my Boss DM-2w, and ordered a board. So I have three Seabed Delay boards! All three have been populated. One is fully complete, shown here. Another has a case, but needs a bypass board. And the third needs a bypass and an enclosure!

The build itself was quite unremarkable. I didn't do any mods or substitutions. It's a fairly small board, and as such, I squished it into a 1590B enclosure. Like with my recently-completed Byzantium Flanger, there's not much space left for a bypass board; the SMD version of my relay bypass came in handy. It's a tight fit, though, as with the flangers, everything is kind of smashed in there, possibly a bit more snug than they should be.

As for the sound... it's good, but (at least for me) not a DM-2w killer. I dialed in my slapback sound on both the Seabed and the DM-2w, and I really had to "squint my ears" to hear a difference. But my good friend was there while I was doing that, and we both agreed the DM-2w gets the nod. The other thing I thought I noticed was that my base tone lost a bit of articulation when the effect was engaged. I.e., it's not so much "base tone + repeats", it's "slightly altered base tone + repeats".

Still, it's a fun, easy and cheap build. It does the digital masquerading as analog thing surprisingly well.


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