Perhaps?!? Mask Audio Electronics Yes/No Hybrid fuzz

Lately I got few boards from Mask Audio Electronics. My first idea was to build a Yes and Red/Yellow in the same box (a bit like MAE Maybe meets DeviEver Godzilla), but then instead I decided to build the MAE Business Card fuzz.

The result is this pedal (that I call the Perhaps?!?), which is a mash up of MAE Yes and No fuzzes (I was a bit surprised to see the basic circuit is the same on both pedals) with an expanded control palette (I used the many mod hints Alec noted in the building instructions, and compared the YES and NO schematics to put this cocktail together).

Controls are (left to right, top to bottom): Volume, Tone, Yes' More, Octave (R6 as a 25k pot with a 100ohm resistor), No's Thud (instead of C3, a pot that blends between a 10nF and a 1uF caps, rev log works a better, I used a 100kC, it was the only one I had, but as the No schem suggests, a bigger value may deliver a better sweep).
Switches are (left to right): 386 low-high gain (cut the trace between pin 1 & 8), Q1 PNP or NPN (2N2907 and BC550C, as per Alec hint reverse transistors deliver very cool tones), 3 position Yes' Splat (on-off-on C2, 1nF, off, or 10nF).

Other tweaks: Q2 & Q3 MPSA18 (basically you can use any NPN you like, but I feel high gain transistors help the circuit to have a bit more push, especially on extrem settings), C10 3n3 (to have a bit darker tone cut), D2 & D3 BAT41, R1 1k.

It's as nasty as Alec's designs always (and pleasantly) are, and it's a very cool circuit to toy with: super simple and very mod friendly.


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