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I'm designing a guitar tuner based on an ESP32 microcontroller. Trying to understand how much gain to apply, I seached around on the internet looking for different pickup type outputs... and really didn't find much. So I measured all the guitars I have access to on an Oscope. Maybe this will be useful to others here:
Definitely a large range, and I've read that some pickups are even 2-3v possibly. And I've also read some as low as 50mv.
I'm designing a guitar tuner based on an ESP32 microcontroller. Trying to understand how much gain to apply, I seached around on the internet looking for different pickup type outputs... and really didn't find much. So I measured all the guitars I have access to on an Oscope. Maybe this will be useful to others here:
Definitely a large range, and I've read that some pickups are even 2-3v possibly. And I've also read some as low as 50mv.