Hi all,
I've recently completed a Rangefinder PCB and am having trouble getting any output. So far I've:
I've recently completed a Rangefinder PCB and am having trouble getting any output. So far I've:
- measured and set the bias at -7v from collector to ground
- tried a handful of Russian germanium transistors in the hfe 70ish range with very low or unmeasurable leakage (atlas)
- swapped to a 2n5087 for testing to eliminate any weird germanium issues (?)
- probed various locations on the PCB to see where signal stops; it reaches the base of the transistor and no further
- measured all resistors on the board
- measured the pot make sure it wasn't shorting, both outer terminals are about 5kohms to the center terminal
- checked all cap values against the schematic
- measured the power out from the charge pump at -9v
- checked continuity from signal points (collector, capacitor, pot terminals) to ground to make sure it wasn't grounding out
- reflowed the socket and checked continuity from transistor leads to solder points on back of the board to make sure the socket isn't funky and they are seated properly