This is the Tilt Overdrive with the Tilt Boost on the Right so Op Amp type tho' there is a transistor down the bottom?.I watched another video about this boost (I'll what those video later). Is there somewhere some internal pictures?
Meanwhile, just to play...
Looking other Revv pedals I assume it's an op-amp based boost. The Tilt Eq control suggests the kind of tonestack.
Tight control... well, it depends. Anyway, it seems subtle.
And Drive? From the graphic it should add diode clipping (from the graphic: one? and not LED, but silison? Well... it's just the graphic). But in the video I watched I can't hear any loss of volume, nor too much drive increasing.
If using a opamp boost/OD before the tilt circuitry - Yep a DPDT on/off/on could select between soft/hard clipping like in the Wampler Pantheon. Or you could use a SPDT on/off/on to select between two different types of clipping options with a no clipping option.Is it possible to make with diode choice switch similart to Speaker Cranker and tilt options?
Look at my post here:P.S. Look at the two red LEDs!
Sounds awesome!
Slant-6 Boost.
Dont get me started on their Torsion Bar suspension!!!