Stringer Overdrive (NUX String Singer Overdrive)


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5.00 star(s)
Ok, so I have to admit it, the only reason I built this pedal was for the novelty of poking fun at Mr. Mason Douche-a-rella, who I recall released a Youtube video a whole back about being "Cloned" by NUX with this pedal and went on show how different they sounded.

Aside from the overly obvious "pot calling the kettle obsidian" I'm still a bit gobsmacked at the stupidity of that video that even a neophyte like me could see that one of the PCB's he held up had an opamp and his SSS pedal didn't.

I mean, one WOULD think that for someone that once claimed to have"an engineering degree" would be able to have a basic understanding of how different the schematics are of the Nux and the Vertex SSS. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a TGP thread about Vertex, heh. But I couldn't resist the irony of the Nux/Vertex situation and thus I had to build it.

So the Stringer is essentially a YATS. And according to @Robert it IS the NUX Tube Screamer re-housed in a different enclosure to gain a wider audience I guess.

The funny thing is, I really like it.... :ROFLMAO:. It's a great sounding overdrive with one huge detractor, in that it doesn't have a lot of output. You'll see in the demo video coming up that I had to dime the level to keep up with the other pedals.

Running a clean boost after it, or running my Clandestine can bring the levels up to where they need to be.
Easy build's a YATS:)

So I may wind up having to squeeze the delicious irony a bit more by breaking my own rule and building the SSS board that @Robert offers in his catalog.....:ROFLMAO:

Oh and of course, the only thing that remotely connects this to any Dumble style pedal is the name. There's really nothing "Dumble" about it.


Comparing the schematic with a TS808 there isn't much difference... They use a J201 in the input buffer and a 2N3904 doing something in the power supply but apart from that it's virtually identical. Maybe the J201 is causing the low output? Or maybe the 2N3904 which doesn't really need to be there in the power supply is the culprit?

Looking at the schematic it's odd that you can apparently swap a J201 for a 2N3904 without making any changes to the circuit...
Comparing the schematic with a TS808 there isn't much difference... They use a J201 in the input buffer and a 2N3904 doing something in the power supply but apart from that it's virtually identical. Maybe the J201 is causing the low output? Or maybe the 2N3904 which doesn't really need to be there in the power supply is the culprit?

Looking at the schematic it's odd that you can apparently swap a J201 for a 2N3904 without making any changes to the circuit...
R3 - 470K Stringer, 510K LGS
Ok, so I have to admit it, the only reason I built this pedal was for the novelty of poking fun at Mr. Mason Douche-a-rella, who I recall released a Youtube video a whole back about being "Cloned" by NUX with this pedal and went on show how different they sounded.

Aside from the overly obvious "pot calling the kettle obsidian" I'm still a bit gobsmacked at the stupidity of that video that even a neophyte like me could see that one of the PCB's he held up had an opamp and his SSS pedal didn't.

I mean, one WOULD think that for someone that once claimed to have"an engineering degree" would be able to have a basic understanding of how different the schematics are of the Nux and the Vertex SSS. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a TGP thread about Vertex, heh. But I couldn't resist the irony of the Nux/Vertex situation and thus I had to build it.

So the Stringer is essentially a YATS. And according to @Robert it IS the NUX Tube Screamer re-housed in a different enclosure to gain a wider audience I guess.

The funny thing is, I really like it.... :ROFLMAO:. It's a great sounding overdrive with one huge detractor, in that it doesn't have a lot of output. You'll see in the demo video coming up that I had to dime the level to keep up with the other pedals.

Running a clean boost after it, or running my Clandestine can bring the levels up to where they need to be.
Easy build's a YATS:)

So I may wind up having to squeeze the delicious irony a bit more by breaking my own rule and building the SSS board that @Robert offers in his catalog.....:ROFLMAO:

Oh and of course, the only thing that remotely connects this to any Dumble style pedal is the name. There's really nothing "Dumble" about it.

View attachment 58275

View attachment 58276
What Voltage are you getting on Pin 8 of the OpAmp?
I believe the 2n3904 used in the power supply is part of a capacitance multiplier circuit. The Boss BD-2 does this. Used appropriately, at the cost of a voltage drop, it will provide additional power supply filtering.