Tayda Fuzz Face PCB

Bought one of these out of impuse and I am now throwing it together. I bought a lot of MP42B, and MP16 transistors from Sovcom(alexer1) on ebay, most of which are 40-60 HFE on the TC-1 tester, a couple between 75-110. While it may not be ideal has anyone messed with using the lower values for FF builds? This PCB seems more like a DEV board, you can go PNP,NPN, trim pot, no trim pot. The suggestions are for a B500k Vol and a B1k Log pot. I dont have either in stock, while i'm waiting on them to come in from Tayda would it be wise (or do-able) to use a A100k and B5k?
Click here for Tayda FF PCB

You might even find that you leave the fuzz cranked, so you wouldn’t even need a potentiometer there - you’d replace it with a resistor (I did on mine)