This Week on the Breadboard: The FireDrake

Here's the latest update. I'd call this the final version, but I don't want to jinx myself. I added the rest of the clipping options, reapportioned the gains a little, fine-tuned the filters and added the 6dB/12dB switch on the Treble filter. I have only tested the MOSFET, GE+Schottky, Blue LED/1N4003 clippers and wide open (no clippers). I'm confident the other clipping options will work as intended.

I noticed something when playing with the TREBLE filter: it's possible to raise the Q so we get the "Stuck Wah" voicing. I like the tone better as I have it drawn. If you want to fool around with a higher Q, increase C8 to 100nF and increase R11 to 33K.

FireDrake OD v1.04 sch.png
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Remember how I was afraid of jinxing myself? Well, it happened. I had drawn Q1 & Q2 backwards on both schematics and C13 was missing. Schematics have been revised and updated. If you saved a copy of v1.03, delete it and replace it with v1.04.
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I asked for it so I better get t show that I built one.... ;)
Ladys and Gents, the Flame Thrower aka as Chuck's Fire Drake. It burns and has a bad to the bone breath.
@jjjimi84 ;)




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What is your assessment of the MODE switch positions? Any favorite settings?
Ask me in three months, there's so much tweak-ability in this between 8 clipping modes and the compression dial and the very effective tone stack...
But first impression and just my personal taste as I'm getting too old for that high gain stuff: the gentler less clipping options with no clippers at all, the Mosfats, both the LEDs option (blue and 4001/red+red) and the 4148 and 4001 are up my alley. As said those there's tons to tweak and I can get stuff that I don't like so much, obviously, just my ears, and stuff that hits the mark.
Great pedal, certainly nothing for peeps with option anxiety.