Thunder Booster (Aion Gale)


Well-known member
Just closed this one up, I called it the Thunder Booster. It's Aion's Gale PCB, based on the SoloDallas Storm booster:



And here's a quick clip I just recorded:

First part is the amp (Friedman Mini Dirty Shirley) alone, then I kick the pedal on. I'm quite happy with the build, but I'm not really sure I like what the circuit does. Still need to play some more with it, we'll see.
Nice clean build! I agree with you - I think I like the sound better before you turn on the pedal. There are lots of excellent boosters around. Seems like a lot of circuitry just to get a bit of a bass boost.

BTW the amps sounds great!
Nice clean build! I agree with you - I think I like the sound better before you turn on the pedal. There are lots of excellent boosters around. Seems like a lot of circuitry just to get a bit of a bass boost.

BTW the amps sounds great!

Yeah, exactly. I'm currently in love with treble boosters. I always played Fender-style amps, so I never really got into the Rangemaster train before, but now with the Friedman, it's absolutely killer!
The Red Rooster is my favourite Treble Booster. It has everything I like about a Rangemaster but fixes the one thing I don't. It has a bass knob. So I can get a lot of very very usable sounds from it, including the classic honk.
That's the one I like the most so far as well! I scored a bunch of nice germanium transistors recently and I've been testing them all. I actually built it for PNP, and my favorite transistors so far have been a Mullard OC77 and an AC107. I'm addicted.
Shoot, I have 2 amps and they're both Fender, but the Chickenhead (Red Rooster) is my favorite sounding pedal I've made from here. Now I want to know why it would sound better through something else. Granted, one of them is a modified DIY Vibrolux with a unique "raw" control that makes is sound marshall-ish. One thing is for certain though. It only sounds good when I dial in some of that "raw" so it gets crunchy.

Awesome tone in that clip btw. Quite impressive. The pedal looks fantastic, too.
Shoot, I have 2 amps and they're both Fender, but the Chickenhead (Red Rooster) is my favorite sounding pedal I've made from here. Now I want to know why it would sound better through something else. Granted, one of them is a modified DIY Vibrolux with a unique "raw" control that makes is sound marshall-ish. One thing is for certain though. It only sounds good when I dial in some of that "raw" so it gets crunchy.

Awesome tone in that clip btw. Quite impressive. The pedal looks fantastic, too.

Thanks, man!

To be honest, I'm not really sure I can pinpoint what makes it "click", but there's something about the voicing of the british amps that just makes them really shine when pushed by a treble booster. That said, I should probably try it out with my Princeton Reverb as well. It's just been sitting there unused since I got the Friedman!