Tracers, lemme hear you say whattt


Well-known member
A'ite. Question.

Let's say you've traced out a circuit. Like, you've got the board, you've peered at the traces for hours on end, used a meter to confirm continuity, and built a schematic from that board.

Whatcha all do to *verify* that your schematic is correct? Make a list of all the different nets and perform a continuity test? Breadboard it and see if it works?

Inquiring minds and all.
Related: are there any good tutorials on tracing? I've looked at the tracing journals from Aion and they're interesting but not really teaching me anything.

I've only traced a few simple circuits when I've been curious to find out how they were made. To me, if I build what I think I have traced and it sounds much the same I think I have achieved what I meant to. As long as I get a good result I'm happy! Usually I'm tracing something to modify it anyway... I don't think I've ever traced something just to copy it.
Breadboard it and see if it works?
This. If it sounds right, then you probably traced it correctly. I also take advantage of the derivative nature of guitar pedals and compare the schematic to whatever schematic was the origin of the circuit. So when I traced the Rotobone, I cross-checked the schematic with the Bosstone and Mini Bone.